Students at the Goldman School of Public Policy — like many others — are closely following the 2018 Elections. The results from the November 6th contests will help shape American government for the next two years and beyond. As policy students, we have particular interests in assessing the candidates who might end up in office and the initiatives that might go into effect. And on a human level, we maintain ties to the communities which will play direct roles in determining local outcomes across the country.
Amidst a host of media coverage on the impending elections, GSPP students added their perspectives on the contests they are watching with particular attention. While not holistic by any means, the sum of their contributions focuses in on a subset of the countless questions confronting voters nationwide.
Using the link below, you can navigate to our special 2018 Elections page to read the Berkeley Public Policy Journal’s 2018 Election coverage. We thank the authors who contributed their time and energy to produce pieces. Further, we thank Editors on the Berkeley Public Policy Journal staff — especially Sarah Brandon, Fiona McBride, Nandita Sampath, and Mai Sistla — who did the work required to make this project happen.
Joseph Monardo and Henriette Ruhrmann, Berkeley Public Policy Journal Co-Editors in Chief